First Capital Bank Enhances Support for Learn to Play Maatla Mamas
First Capital Bank remains passionate about supporting women and children across Botswana in a meaningful…
Learn MoreAn initiative in the form of a sponsored walk was conducted by the Village Development Committee of Old Naledi to raise funds to assist with the general welfare of the children of Gabaresepe Day Care Centre which is located in Old Naledi Gaborone. The Centre houses children of 1 year to 5 years old. These are children from various backgrounds in need of food, education, counselling and shelter.
The village development committee saw it fit to seek assistance from the Corporate Industry to help assist with raising funds and as a result Capital Bank and Capital Bank Staff collectively sponsored the Gabaresepe Day Care Centre Sponsored Walk with a total sum of BWP 5,100.00 to help meet their financial needs.
The sponsored walk was successfully conducted on the 24th June 2017 from Old Naledi Clinic to Bontleng Clinic and back to the Gabaresepe Day Care Center.
Various delegates from the community took part in the walk amongst them being Capital bank employees, the old Naledi Councilor, representatives from Shoppers supermarket, the Botswana police service and members of the Old Naledi Community.
Prepared by: Palema Sekgwa (palema.sekgwa@capitalbank.co.bw)